Exploring MySQL5 Hash: Understanding the Concept and Its Key Features


Databases are often vulnerable to security threats, and one way to protect the data stored in them is by using encryption. MySQL5 Hash is a widely-used encryption tool that provides developers with a quick and easy way to secure their data. This article will introduce you to the concept of MySQL5 Hash, how it works, its key features, and scenarios where you can use it.

What is MySQL5 Hash?

MySQL5 Hash is a type of hashing function used by MySQL to encrypt data. Hashing is the process of converting plaintext into a fixed-size string of characters, which is difficult to decipher. The MySQL5 Hash function takes plain text and creates an irreversible, one-way hash value that can be used for secure storage or transmission of data.

How does MySQL5 Hash work?

MySQL5 Hash generates a 41-character hash value by performing a SHA1 hash on the plain text and then encoding the result using base64. The resulting hash value is then prefixed with a 3-character identifier that denotes the hash algorithm used. The identifier for MySQL5 Hash is ‘$mysqlna$‘. The resulting hash value is unique to the plain text and cannot be reversed to obtain the original text.

Sample Code or Commands

Here’s an example of how to hash a string using MySQL5 Hash in MySQL:

mysql> SELECT SHA1(CONCAT('password', UNHEX(SHA1('password'))));
| SHA1(CONCAT('password', UNHEX(SHA1('password'))))      |
| *2470C0C06DEE42FD1618BB99005ADCA2EC9D1E19               |

Or you can use MySQL5 Hash tool in He3 Toolbox (https://t.he3app.com?jok5) easily.

MySQL5 Hash

Key Features of MySQL5 Hash

One-way hashingThe hash value cannot be reversed to obtain the original plain text.
High securityThe SHA1 algorithm used in MySQL5 Hash is highly secure and is widely used for encryption.
Short hash lengthThe 41-character hash value generated by MySQL5 Hash is short and easy to store.
Fast hashingThe MySQL5 Hash function is designed for fast hashing of data, making it suitable for high-performance applications.

Scenarios for Using MySQL5 Hash

MySQL5 Hash is useful in scenarios where you need to store sensitive information such as passwords, credit card numbers, or other private information. It can be used in web applications, mobile applications, and other software that requires secure storage of data. MySQL5 Hash is also a useful tool for compliance with data protection regulations such as GDPR.

Misconceptions and FAQs

Misconception: MySQL5 Hash is secure for all types of data.

MySQL5 Hash is a secure encryption tool, but it may not be suitable for all types of data. To ensure the highest level of security, developers should assess their specific data protection requirements and choose an encryption tool that meets those needs.

FAQ 1: Can a MySQL5 Hash be decrypted?

No. MySQL5 Hash is a one-way hash function that cannot be decrypted.

FAQ 2: Can I use MySQL5 Hash to store passwords?

Yes. MySQL5 Hash is a commonly used encryption tool for storing passwords.


MySQL5 Hash is a powerful hashing function used by developers to encrypt data for secure storage or transmission. It works by generating a unique hash value that is one-way and cannot be reversed to obtain the original plaintext. MySQL5 Hash is designed for fast hashing of data, making it suitable for high-performance applications. Developers should use MySQL5 Hash in scenarios where they need to store sensitive information securely.

For more information about MySQL5 Hash, please refer to https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/password-hashing.html.